As we all know that in the USA and some other regions of the world there is a grading system in the schools. Different grade students have different mental level, By keeping this grading system our research team extracts some amazing and useful trivia questions.
The questions are divided into section, so each section students can jump easily, for example, if you are a grade one student you can jump directly into that section, similarly 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade students can also skip the remaining questions, though we recommend you to read all questions which are highly informative.
This trivia includes questions related to general knowledge. Helpful for those who really want to know about things in general like about world, animals, earth, human body, birds, etc. Beneficial for kids because these trivia include information that is easy to understand. Students may already know some of the information but here, this is to update and to retrieve your knowledge. Hope you like it.
Grade trivia questions
1. Which country has the most amount of reptiles?
2. Tomatoes are vegetables or fruit?
3. Which animals sleep while standing up?
4. How many noses a slug have?
5. How many percents of water covers earth?
6. Which animal can’t look-up to the sky?
7. Which is the only fish that can blink with both eyes?
8. Which bird’s eye is bigger than its whole brain?
9. Which animal can’t move backward?
10. Which external organ continues to grow in your entire life?
11. Apple floats on the surface of the water. Is it true?
12. Which is the only number with the same amount of letters?
13. Your heart size is equal to yours?
14. Which organ pumps blood to the whole body?
15. Which animal can go bald in old ages like humans?
5th-grade trivia questions
16. Which ani can’t move their eyeballs?
17. What is idiot fruit?
18. How many teeth an adult have?
19. An average yawn lasts about?
20. The hottest chili pepper in the world is?
21. Which country is home to the shortest people in the world?
22. Which two countries where you can’t buy Coca-Cola?
23. Which country is the most popular destination for visitors?
24. Which is the only animal that can’t jump?
25. The only food that doesn’t spoil it?
26. Like a fingerprint, which organ print is also different?
27. What is the color of the blood of mammals?
28. What is the color of the blood of insects?
29. What is the color of the blood of lobster?
30. Which is the longest muscle in the body?
General knowledge quiz for kids under 10
31. The most common name in the world is?
32. Which is the longest English word without a vowel?
33. Which is the fastest human sense?
34. Which crop is grown on every continent except Antarctica?
35. Which bones of human is stronger than concrete?
36. The electric chair was invented by an electrician or a dentist?
37. Which is the fastest flying insect?
38. Which is the bird that cannot walk?
39. Which gas can kill the person within 15 minutes?
40. A group of jellyfish called?
41. The chemical name of salt is?
42. How many bones human body have?
43. The capital of Spain is?
44. The capital of Turkey is?
45. MRI stands for?
3rd-grade trivia
46. Which is the fastest bird?
47. Which is the largest gland of the human body?
48. Deficiency of vitamin A leads to?
49. Small bones on the ear called?
50. Which is known as ‘River of life’?
51. The capital of the UK is?
52. 1km= ?m
53. How many inches in 1 foot have?
54. Which country is the largest producer of rice?
54. The name UNO was suggested by?
55. The shortest war on history lasted only for?
56. The smallest country in the world is?
57. Which was the first food eaten in space by astronauts?
58. Which animal has rectangular pupil in their eyes?
59. How many seconds in a year?
60. Which is the planet that rains metal?
4th-grade trivia questions
61. Which country is the largest producer of silver?
62. What is the main aim of UNO?
63. The fluid part of blood is?
64. The largest artery is known as?
65. The capital of Switzerland is?
66. HIV stands for?
67. Who was the first human to reach on the moon?
68. The brain of the computer is?
69. UN was made in?
70. The longest river on the earth is?
71. The USA is the largest producer of which thing?
72. Basic and functional unit if life is?
73. 1l=? ml.
74. How many feet in 1 yard?
75. Color of UN flag is?
1st-grade trivia questions
76. How many kidneys human body have?
77. All babies are born with?
78. The color of hippopotamus milk is?
79. Some fish cough. Is is true?
80. The fastest recorded raindrop was?
81. Longest railway station located in?
82. The longest snake in the world is?
83. World’s largest food company is?
84. The highest mountain in the world is?
85. The smallest particle of an element is?
86. 1cm=?
87. Which is the only fruit that bears seed on the outside?
88. Peanuts are nuts or legumes?
89. The scientific name of human is?
90. Which is the only planet that moves clockwise?
Elementary school trivia questions
91. Which animal’s heart is in their heads?
92. Which animal food is 99% bamboo?
93. Human blood is as salty as the?
94. The average human brain weighs about?
95. The biggest fossil of a spider was found in?
96. Which is the fastest spinning planet in our solar system?
97. How many times a neutron star can spin?
98. 1 acre=? cents.
99. Who is the father of biology?
100. Queen Cleopatra was a queen of which country?
101. What happened on July 28, 1914?
102. Who is Ares?
103. The number of ribs in the human body?
104. A male horse is called?
105. Which is the biggest type of lizard?
3rd-grade trivia questions and answers printable
106. Which is one of the ingredients needed to make dynamite?
107. The largest living organism in the world is?
108. ECG stands for?
109. The capital of Israel is?
110. The second biggest cat species in the world is?
111. Normal blood pressure of a human is?
112. How many bones in the skull of humans?
113. How many watts of energy used by the brain during thinking?
114. Snail takes a long nap. As long as how many years?
115. What is Anatidaephobia?
116. Each day, how many sweats produced by your feet?
117. Which vitamin is present in rain?
118. Who was a famous Hollywood film actress who invented Wi-Fi?
119. Who was the one who lost five separate elections before he became the president of the US?
Try this post also: Animal trivia for kids and for grade 2 students
120. World’s longest French fry is?
Fun trivia questions for 5th graders
121. The capital of Poland is?
122. The number of bones in the arms of humans is?
123. Which is the only animal known to be able to clap on beats?
124. What is a zonkey?
125. Who was the first American woman to fly in space in 1983?
126. How many long Neptune days are?
127. The world’s largest man-made oyster reef was created in?
128. The largest producer of oil is?
129. The Largest producer of gold is?
130. Largest producer of coffee?
131. The largest producer of sugar is?
132. The largest producer of wool is?
133. Which country is the largest natural gas reserved?
134. Which is the youngest country in the world?
135. How many chambers in the human heart have?
Fun trivia questions for 3rd graders
135. The capital of South Korea is?
136. The capital of North Korea is?
137. The capital of Chili is?
138. The capital of the Philippines is?
139. The capital of Slovakia is?
140. The capital of Uganda is?
141. How many bones in the middle ear of humans?
142. How many bones in the face of humans?
143. How many time zones are there on the earth?
144. Which country has more islands than any other country?
145. Who is Apollo?
146. Who is Athena?
147. Who are hades?
148. Who is Aphrodite?
149. Who is Hermes?
150. How many countries still have a royal family?
Read more funny quiz here: 80+ Fun trivia questions for kids [Funny quiz for kids]

A passionate blogger and a software engineer having over 10 years of experience. Love to do programming in PHP and WordPress. My favorite hobby is blogging. My favorite topics are sports, entertainment, science, space, Christmas, Harry potter movies and animals.