In this trivia, the reader can read some amazing and interesting facts about animals, birds, sharks, and dinosaurs. These trivia include those questions which can help you to better understand animals. Students may already know some of the information mentions here, but this trivia can refresh your knowledge as well as to update more interesting knowledge regarding animals. This trivia can be helpful for the school going students. Read and learn below animal trivia questions for kids to enhance your general knowledge.
Animal trivia for kids
1. What are animals?
2. Biological kingdom?
3. Animals also referred to as?
4. How many species of animals in total?
5. The scientific study of animals is called?
6. Where’s the word animal comes from?
7. Animal means what?
8. Animals are autotrophic or heterotrophic?
9. All animals are motile. Is it true?
10. Calcified forming structures are known as?
11. Animals carry which type of reproduction?
12. Which animals are capable of asexual reproduction?
13. Animals originally evolved in?
14. The earliest animal species was?
15. Animals are polyphyletic or monophyletic?
Animal quiz for grade 2
16. Which is the largest animal that has ever lived?
17. A group of cats is known as?
18. A male cat is called?
19. A female cat is called?
20. A young cat is called?
21. Butterflies are birds or insects?
22. How many wings butterflies have?
23. The larva of a butterfly is known as?
24. Which is the second largest big cat species in the world?
25. A baby whale is called?
26. Many whales are?
27. How many legs insects have?
28. How many legs spiders have?
29. Shakes are herbivores or carnivores?
30. Which animal is intelligent. Pig or cow?

Spirit animal quiz for kids
31. Apes are monkeys?
32. Groups of monkeys are known as?
33. A male horse is called?
34. A female horse is called?
35. A young male horse is called?
36. A young female horse is called?
37. Small horses are known as?
38. Name the fastest shark?
39. Which is the biggest shark?
40. Do dolphins communicate with each other?
41. The average housefly only lives for?
42. Cheetahs are the fastest animal in the land than any other animals. True or false?
43. The average lifespan for a dog is?
44. Which class of animals can live both in water or land?
45. Spiders are insects. Yes or no?
Animal quizzes for adults
46. World’s smallest dog was?
47. Which animal has no gall bladder?
48. Which is the only mammal that can fly?
49. Which bird can run faster than dogs?
50. The original name for butterfly was?
51. Which insects don’t sleep?
Trye this article also: 100 Kindergarten trivia questions only for kids
52. The largest frog in the world is?
53. Which is the only bird that can hunt by sense of smell?
54. Elephant teeth can weigh as much as?
55. How many liters does a cow give milk in her lifetime?
56. How many feathers on a body of swan?
57. How many km per hour cheetah can run?
58. A cat sees about six times better than a human at night. How?
59. How many different kinds of kangaroos are there?
60. Which bears are all left-handed?
Animal quiz questions and answers for adults
61. Which animal’s fingerprints look like human fingerprints?
62. How many female lions do hunting?
63. Which animal can catch a human cold and other illnesses?
64. Which newborn animal is too small that can hold in the palm of hands?
65. In which country, it is illegal to whisper in someone’s ear while moose hunting?
66. Which are the only mammals that undergo a menopause?
67. Which is the only spider that can survive for more than two years without food?
68. How many ants are there for every human being in the world?
69. The Alligators generally live between?
70. Which are the most famous birds in North America?
71. During World War II, Americans tried to train which animal to drop a-bombs?
72. Male rabbits are called?
73. Female rabbits are called?
74. Which insects don’t have lungs?
75. What is parliament?
Quiz on animals for grade 5.
76. Which animal’s stomach is divided into 4 compartments?
77. What is in the pear and apple seeds which may be deadly for dogs?
78. The dumbest dog in this world is?
79. The Latin word for moose is?
80. How many times per second a woodpecker can peck?
81. Which animal has no stomach?
82. Which can run faster than humans?
83. Which animal has 32 muscles in each ear?
84. Which animal is really a black leopard?
85. Which is the world’s deadliest caterpillar?
86. The most common name for a goldfish is?
87. Most poisonous fish in the world is?
88. What is the location of sweat glands in dogs?
89. Killer whales. Is this is a whale type or species of a dolphin?
90. How many miles away an elephant can smell?
91. Which insect has white blood?
92. A female fox is called?
93. Which is a flightless bird?
94. Which reptiles are covers with scales?
95. An abnormal fear of spiders called?
96. What is the national animal of Argentina?
97. Name the bird that has taste receptors on their feet?
98. Which animals have powerful night vision?
99. Which lay the biggest eggs in the world?
100. Which animals sleep while standing up?
101. Which animal smell with their tongue?
102. The smallest type of penguin is?
103. What are a drake and her?
104. Dolphin is the national animal of which country?
105. National animal of Spain is?
Animal quiz game
106. How many taste buds a dog have?
107. What is Tauraphobia?
108. A large group of goats is called?
109. Which is the loudest animal?
110. Which animal's sweat is pink in color?
111. Which colors a butterfly can see?
112. Fireflies are also known as?
113. How hippos attract their partner for mating?
114. Which is the world largest land's predator?
115. What is the location of hairs on bumblebees?
116. How a goat's milk is more energy than a cow's milk?
117. How many eyes a starfish have?
118. Which animal has no vocal cords?
119. How many fats whale milk contain?
120. Which country has the most goats in the world?
Animal knowledge quiz
121. Which animal doesn't blink?
122. Which animal's baby is born blind, deaf, and toothless?
123. Fear of wild animals?
124. Which dog is the fastest on the earth?
125. What is a blessing?
126. Which state has the highest population of dogs?
127. The male goat is called?
128. A female goat is called?
129. Baby goat is called?
130. What is guard fur?
131. Which animals eat stones?
132. Fear of cats is called?
133. Fear of mice is called?
134. Which animal doesn't drink water just absorb it from skin?
135. Which animal has the same number of bones in its neck as a man?
Dinosaur trivia for kids
136. The first dinosaur to be formally named in 1824?
137. Who is paleontologist?
138. Birds descended from which type of dinosaurs?
139. Which is the longest dinosaur type?
140. Which is the heaviest dinosaur type?
141. The most intelligent dinosaur was?
142. Dinosaur which lived in the Jurassic period?
143. Which is the tallest dinosaur type?
144. Which is the largest animal to have ever walked on earth?
145. Name 2 dinosaurs that are herbivore in nature?
146. Which dinosaur has the largest carnivore teeth?
147. How many species of dinosaurs found in Britain?
148. The oldest Britain dinosaur was?
149. How many types of dinosaurs are there in the world?
150. Which is the fiercest dinosaur?
Shark quiz for kids
151. Shark belongs to which group of fishes?
152. How many species of sharks exist?
153. Which shark is the smaller in their size?
154. The largest shark in the world is?
155. Name some well-known species of sharks?
156. What is the composition of the shark's teeth?
157. Most ancient and primitive shark is?
158. The most recently evolved family of the shark is?
159. What are pups?
160. Which kind of sharks distinguished their large jaws and ovoviviparous reproduction?
161. How many teeth a shark have lost in their lifetime?
162. What is the composition of a shark's skeleton?
163. What is the function of a spiricle that lies just behind the eye?
164. Shark release it's waste materials in the form of Ammonia, Urea, or Uric acid?
165. Which senses of sharks are keen and strong?
Trivia for elementary kids
167. The baby of bee is said to be?
168. The Butterflies collect nectar from?
169. Which fish is considered to be very intelligent?
170. In a minute, how many times a whale's heart can beat?
171. What is hay?
172. Which were the first animals domesticated by man in 10,000 B.C?
173. Which animals are seasonal breeders?
174. Which animal is nocturnal?
175. Which lizard type is a popular pet?
176. What is a baboon?
177. What is a marmoset?
178. Which bird can drink seawater?
178. How many eggs lay by chicken per year?
179. Which animals are longer than dinosaurs?
180. Which animals cannot move backward?
Bird quiz for kids
181. Which is the fastest bird?
182. Which is the slowest bird?
183. Which is the fastest land bird?
184. Which is the most talkative bird?
185. Which is the best mail delivering bird?
186. Which bird is the best amazing mimicker?
187. Which bird's nest is the most expensive?
188. Which is the farting bird?
189. The earliest known bird is?
190. A bird's heart can beat?
191. Which is the known poisonous bird?
192. Which bird is sleeping during flies?
193. Which bird is the rarest one in the world?
194. Which bird cannot move their eyes?
195. Which bird can fly underwater?
So do you like these animal trivia questions for kids? We are pretty sure that you have got too much knowledge about animals. what you suggest to us next. do you want us to include more animal questions in this article? if yes then please mention the animal name in the comment section we will add the questions for you.

A passionate blogger and a software engineer having over 10 years of experience. Love to do programming in PHP and WordPress. My favorite hobby is blogging. My favorite topics are sports, entertainment, science, space, Christmas, Harry potter movies and animals.