An American sitcom television series, The Office depicts the daily work routine of office workers at a fictional Company. It’s a long series having a total of nine seasons that was aired on NBC from March 24, 2005, to May 16, 2013. The office is a type of show that certainly made us laugh but don’t you think that the things on which we laughed so hard were made on the real situations and were quite relatable. There are about 201 episodes of the series, the office and it was aired in nine different seasons.
The first season is quite short and the longest season of the series is season five which consists of twenty-five episodes. As a result of research among the audience, it is summarized that the second season is the most entertaining and best in the whole series. The episode that has the highest rating is episode 22 of season two. The crazy fans of the series have also calculated the time period in which you can watch all nine seasons of the series, and the time required is seventy-four hours. So, if you’ve watched The Office because you can relate to it or because it makes you laugh and you possibly think you know a lot about this show, or simply you want to know funnier and more interesting facts about the hilarious series, then these The Office trivia questions will put your brain to work.
Here we have gathered a lot of the office trivia questions from easy to difficult so select your difficulty level and choose a trivia question section of your choice from the office trivia questions that have been categorized into office trivia questions, office quiz questions, and answers, difficult office trivia questions, the office trivia questions and office hard quiz questions.
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The Office trivia questions
What does Pam steal in the first season?
What is Michael’s reaction?
What’s Pam’s favorite flavor of yogurt?
Who dates Pam’s mother?
Pam convinces which coworker that he’s being recruited by the CIA?
What do Pam and Angela both want to name their babies?
Who stole all of Michael’s blue jeans when he was a kid?
What’s in Michael’s thermos during morning deliveries for Michael Scott Paper Company?
How does Michael burn his foot?
Who bought Michael’s “World’s Best Boss” mug?
Who does Michael hit with a car?
What is Michael’s real order at Hooters?
What is Michael’s username for the dating site?
What item of clothing does Michael always have dry cleaned?
Why is Michael afraid to move to Colorado?
Who does Michael wear on his head during diversity day?
What cause does Michael use for the fun run?
Who described a wine as having an “oaky afterbirth?”
What is Michael’s favorite restaurant?
Dwight’s grandparents left him a large collection of what?
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Office quiz questions and answers
What color does Dwight paint Michael’s office when he thinks he’s taking over?
What is the secret symbol Dwight and Michael use?
What does Dwight say is the scariest animal?
Who is Henrietta?
What does Dwight’s family farm produce?
What kind of car does Dwight drive?
Dwight keeps what in his car for special occasions?
Who can raise and lower his cholesterol at will?
According to Michael, what was Phyllis’ nickname in high school?
What is the worst thing about prison, according to Prison Mike?
What is Dwight’s all-time favorite movie?
Who did Kevin get for his secret Santa?
What did Kevin buy for his secret Santa?
What does Kevin wear on his feet to Jim and Pam’s wedding?
What food is Kevin forced to eat?
How does Stanley take his iced tea?
Who tells Michael, “Nobody likes that stuff but you,” and what are they talking about?
What does Stanley typically do during meetings?
Who does Stanley’s daughter flirt with on, Take Your Daughter To Work Day?
What does Stanley give to Phyllis when he returns from retirement?
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Difficult office trivia question
Where does Jim propose to Pam?
Where does Jim tell Pam about his feelings?
What is Kelly’s middle name?
What does Angela use instead of a rape whistle?
What color does Angela find “whore-ish?”
Which of Angela’s cats does Dwight freeze?
Angela’s fiancé and husband, the senator, has an affair with what co-worker?
Who are the three main members of the party planning committee?
Which three co-workers blow off the “fun run” to go out to eat?
Who runs the warehouse?
What’s the name of the company that buys Dunder Mifflin?
Where does Jim hide Dwight’s stapler?
What role did Rainn Wilson originally audition for instead of Dwight Schrute?
Who played Jim’s love interest during his Stamford transfer days?
In the episode “Golden Ticket” who does Michael blame the ensuing discounts on?
Which character started as “the temp”?
What facial hairstyle did Michael copy off of Ryan?
What was Angela and Andy’s wedding venue going to be before it was canceled?
What contract did Angela and Dwight sign?
What is Andy’s nickname for Jim in the early days of their relationship?
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Office hard quiz questions
What wedding venue did Angela insist on for her wedding with Andy?
What baby gift does Andy bring to the hospital where Pam and Jim were delivering their baby?
How many year’s salaries does Michael spend on his engagement ring for Holly?
What does Meredith admit to doing during the company’s ethics training?
What kind of shower does Michael say he threw for Jan after she had a baby?
What is Dwight’s favorite TV show?
When Michael burns his foot on a George Foreman grill, what does he want Pam to rub on it?
What does Kevin tell Dwight to put in his gun holster?
What game does Michael say he plays every night before bed?
What gift does Kevin get for himself when he draws his own name for Secret Santa?
What brand of women’s suit does Michael accidentally wear?
What breakfast does Michael make on the first day of the Michael Scott Paper Company?
In the absence of ice cream, what does Michael eat?
What sauce does Kevin request to go with his New Year’s resolution broccoli?
Office trivia questions
Who almost didn’t work in The Office because he was committed to another NBC show called Come to Papa?
In the final episode of “The Office,” Kelly leaves her husband to run away with which character?
Which NFL quarterback appeared in the ninth season of “The Office”?
Where does Michael Scott move to start his new life with Holly?
What are the names of Jim and Pam Halpert’s kids?
Who was Pam engaged to before Jim?
Which Grammy nominee played Andy’s brother Walter?
Who was hired as Michael Scott’s replacement before he moved?
What was the name of Jan Levinson’s assistant at corporate?
How many minutes did Michael Scott work at the office?
Who won “Hottest in the Office” at Michael’s last Dundies?
Who came up with “Suck it”?
In the “Diversity Day” episode, what famous comedian’s stand up routine does Michael imitate?
In the episode “The Client,” the employees read Michael’s movie script. Which employee reads the part of Goldenface?
What kind of sandwich does Michael have a dream about when he’s the head of the Michael Scott Paper Company?
Who served as regional manager of the Stamford branch?
In what subject is Meredith’s Ph.D.?
What does Michael offer his kids since he can’t pay for their college education?
What’s the name of Kevin Malone’s band?
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