This post includes questions about the history of the world, humans, and animals. These trivia questions about history can able kids to know about human history, how they started living their lives and how they differ from other mammals. Moreover, your kids can learn about the parts of the human body and their roles in your life. So, read these history trivia questions for kids.
History trivia question for kids
1. From where the fossils of ancient people came…
2. One of the earliest human traits are…
3. What does bipedalism means?
4. Homo sapiens is a part of group known as…
5. How many years ago humans migrate from Africa to Asia?
6. What is Paleoanthropology?
7. When did evolution occurred
8. Genes represent the segment of…
9. Which molecule provide the chemical code for producing protein
10. Information contain in DNA change by a process known as…
World history quizzes for kids
11. The story of Mankind was written by…
12. The history of world is the memory of…
13. Children’s literature include…
14. In which two different ways modern children literature classified
15. Early children’s literature are consist of…
16. In a philosophical context, the “world” is the whole of the
17. The word world came from…
18. what does the word history means
19. World distinguish the entire population and planet from
20. in philosophy the word world means…
Read More Animal trivia for kids and for grade 2 students
History quiz multiple choice
21. Weorold means
Age of man
Age of animal
Age of plant
22. When was the story of Mankind Published?
23. in which century academic historians focused less on epic nationalistic narratives
19 century
21 century
20 century
24. Cultural history replaced social history as the dominant form in the
1980 and 1990
1970 and 1980
1970 and 1990
25. In Germany how many states controlled history curriculum in 21 century
26. How many years ago humans developed capacity for language
27. How many different species of early human scientist currently discovered
15 to 20
10 to 20
10 to 15
28. How many years ago Homo sapiens began migrating from Africa
70,000 and 100,000
50,000 and 40,000
60,000 and 70,000
29. In which year human population reached to 1 billion
30. It is estimated that the worldwide average height for an adult human male is about
Fun history quiz for kids
31. Human differ from chimpanzee mostly in…
32. How many times human brains are bigger then chimpanzee
33. The human body consist of
34. How many cells are there in an adult human body?
35. the most commonly define human body systems in humans are
36. The construction of the human pelvis differs from other
37. The average human female height is
38. How many sweat glands human have
Random history quiz for kids
39. As other mammals human reproduction takes place by
40. Normally the gestation period of humans is
41. How many days human can survive without food?
42. How many days human can survive without water?
43. The typical height of an adult human is
44. Human skin color can be…
45. The human Hair color depends on the amount of
Read these fun trivia questions as well.
MPhil in Economics with 6 experience in fieldwork. Also has experience in blogging, In blogging, I am a specialized writer in the following categories: sports, science, movies, space, and animal. Please feel free to contact me over my email.