SpongeBob SquarePants is an animated television series created by Stephen Hillenburg. The most interesting thing about the series is that it depicts underwater life. Thus, it is an amazing series to watch for the kids. The main character of the series is SpongeBob and his friends including Patrick Star and Sandy Cheeks.
Your kids might have watched the series many times but testing their memory will be an interesting activity. Therefore, we provide you a platform to do the task in the easiest way. We have collected the information about the series and formed trivia questions for your kids. So, read these 30+ SpongeBob SquarePants trivia questions to learn about the series.
SpongeBob SquarePants
1. Who created the television series ‘SpongeBob’?
2. What is the genre of the series?
3. For which television channel the series was created?
4. The series is about which life?
5. From which book the ideas for the series originated?
6. When the book was created?
7. Why Hillenburg wrote the book?
8. When he started to develop the book into television series?
9. How many Golden Reel Awards the series won?
10. How many Kids Choice Awards the series won?
11. When Nickelodeon held a preview for the series in the United States?
12. When the series was officially premiered?
13. Where SpongeBob lives in the series?
14. With whom he used to live?
15. Which animal was the pet of SpongeBob in the series?
SpongeBob SquarePants Trivia
16. What was the name of the pet?
17. What was the name of the fast-food restaurant?
18. What was his job at the restaurant?
19. What was his greatest goal in life?
20. What was the favorite hobby of SpongeBob?
21. Who was SpongeBob’s best friend?
22. What type of fish Patrick Star was?
23. What was the name of the octopus who also worked at the restaurant with SpongeBob?
24. What was his job at the restaurant?
25. Who was the owner of the restaurant?
26. What was the name of his daughter?
27. Who was Sandy Cheeks in the series?
28. Where she used to live?
29. What was the rival restaurant’s name?
30. Who runs the restaurant?
31. From whom SpongeBob took boat-driving lessons?
32. Who was Mrs. Puff’s most diligent student?
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MPhil in Economics with 6 experience in fieldwork. Also has experience in blogging, In blogging, I am a specialized writer in the following categories: sports, science, movies, space, and animal. Please feel free to contact me over my email.