Geography is the study of different places all around the world. It includes facts and information about countries, cities, oceans, rivers, mountains, etc. It is found to be an interesting subject in schools and colleges for the majority of the students due to the fact that kids are always curious to explore the world.
Our 90+ Geography Quiz for kids will give you a wide range of interesting facts about all over the world. The questions are designed in the easiest way so that your kids can gather more information. So, let’s go through these best geography quiz for kids to test your knowledge about geography as well.
Geography Quiz For Kids
1. Which is the largest continent in the world?
2. The Tigris river runs through which countries?
3. What does the word ‘Tigris’ mean?
4. What percent of the country Canada is covered with freshwater?
5. Which is the driest desert on the earth?
6. In which country River Thames is located?
7. Which is the longest river in India?
8. Which is the deepest ocean in the world?
9. How much is the average depth of the Indian Ocean?
10. What is the total area of the United States?
11. What is the capital of New Zealand?
12. The Yellowstone National Park is situated in which state of the U.S?
13. Which is the highest waterfall in the world?
14. In which country the Angel Falls waterfall is located?
15. What is the highest lake in the world?
Geography Quiz Questions For Kids
16. What is the national flower of Pakistan?
17. Which is the national drink of Canada?
18. What is the longest river in North America?
19. In which country the Mackenzie River is?
20. Which is the oldest city in the United States?
21. Which three regions are bordered by Iran?
22. What is the capital of Egypt?
23. Which is the world’s oldest known walled city?
24. Which is the least populous state of the U.S?
25. What is the capital of Nigeria?
26. How many total languages are spoken in the world?
27. The Sargasso Sea in a region of which mysterious region?
28. Which is the only sea with no land boundaries in the world?
29. Hellas is another name of which country?
30. Which country borders Egypt to the South?
Geography Quiz Game For Kids
31. Which country is known as The Land of a Thousand Lakes?
32. In which states of the U.S the Sicily Island is?
33. Which is the largest freshwater lake in the world?
34. When did the sculpture Mount Rushmore National Memorial complete?
35. In which state of the U.S the sculpture is located?
36. The Black Forest is in which country?
37. Which is the most populous city in the world?
38. What is the largest city in the world?
39. Which is the smallest city in Australia?
40. What is the capital of Norway?
Easy Geography For Kids
Do you know the longest river in Canada and the highest point in the United States? If not then continue the geography questions presented below. These are some more easy geography questions for kids.
41. What is the national dish of Pakistan?
42. Which state of the U.S is known as the ‘Land of Enchantment’?
43. Maseru is the capital of which country?
44. What is the capital city of Texas?
45. Which country has the most covered time zones?
46. Which is the highest point in the United States of Colorado?
47. Which is the longest river in Canada?
48. Which country is to the northeast boundary of Canada?
49. Which is the longest river in Australia?
50. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
Best Geography Quiz For Kids
51. In which continent the country Kazakhstan is located?
52. How many provinces are there in Canada?
53. What is the world’s largest country name?
54. How many countries are there in Africa?
55. The continent Europe has how many countries?
56. How many countries border Germany?
57. Which country is bordered by only one country?
58. Which is the only neighbouring country of Ireland?
59. Which is the second highest mountain in the world?
60. What is the height of K-2 mountain?
Geography Quiz For 5th Graders
61. What is the shortest name of a place?
62. What is the population of the United Kingdom?
63. Which is the largest city in the world by land area?
64. When in history and only time the Sahara Desert gets snow?
65. The penguins live near the South pole or the North pole?
66. Maple syrup is mostly famous in which country?
67. Warsaw is the capital of which country?
68. Which mountain is in the border between Nepal and China?
69. Which is the driest desert in North America?
70. Which animal is there on the flag of California Republic?
Printable Geography Quiz For Kids
It is difficult to cover all the information about the world at one place. However, we tried our best to give you as much information as possible. Hence, go through each section to cover most of the areas.
71. Based on population which is the third largest country in the world?
72. Which U.S state was purchased from Russia in 1867?
73. Which is the largest river in the United States?
74. Which hottest desert valley is located in Eastern California?
75. In which state of U.S is Mount Denali?
76. The motto Liberty and Prosperity is of which state?
77. Which tower is situated in Seattle, Washington?
78. How many states are covered by the Mojave Desert?
79. Why was the Space Needle built in the Seattle Center?
80. How many states are there in the United States?
National Geographic Quiz For Kids
81. Beijing is the capital of which country?
82. Which wonder of the world is in China?
83. How many districts are there in New York city?
84. Barcelona is one of the provinces of which country?
85. What is the national animal of France?
86. Among which two continents Asia shares its landmass?
87. Which is the longest river in Europe?
Geography Questions For Kids
88. What is the capital of Peru?
89. Which country has two capitals?
90. The Statue of Liberty is in which U.S state?
91. When did the U.S purchase Louisiana territory from France?
92. Which is the most populous city in Europe?
93. Among which three countries Luxembourg shares the border?
94. Copenhagen in the capital of which country?
95. What is the capital of the state Illinois?
Want more quiz questions? read trivia questions for kids

A passionate blogger and a software engineer having over 10 years of experience. Love to do programming in PHP and WordPress. My favorite hobby is blogging. My favorite topics are sports, entertainment, science, space, Christmas, Harry potter movies and animals.