Invader Zim was an American animated television series created by ‘Jhonen Vasquez’. It is an interesting show for the kids to watch and enjoy. The main character in this series called Zim is an extraterrestrial from a planet named Irk. He came to the earth with a mission to overcome it and to enslave the human race. Richard Steven Horvitz who is an amazing American voice and comedian-actor famous for his energetic voice voiced the character of Zim in the series.
In addition to this, there are many other main characters in the series. Dib, Zim’s class fellow, whose role was to stop Zim from succeeding in his plan. Moreover, GIR was the malfunctioning robot servant of Zim created using the spare parts found in a trash can. Read more about the series in these 30+ Invader Zim Trivia quiz.
Invader Zim Trivia
1. Who created the American animated television series ‘Invader Zim’?
2. For which TV channel he created the cartoon?
3. Who voiced Zim in the series?
4. From which planet Zim belonged?
5. What was his mission in the series?
6. Who was trying to stop Zim from succeeding?
7. What was the name of Zim’s malfunctioning robot servant?
8. Who composed the theme music of the series?
9. Who were the two Irken leaders?
10. What the leader known as?
11. The social hierarchy of the planet based on what?
12. Who voiced GIR?
13. When the first season of the series aired on television?
14. How many episodes were there in the first season?
15. When a comic book series of the same name released?
16. What was the name of the film produced based on the series?
17. When the film premiered on Netflix?
18. What awards the series won?
19. Who was originally hired to voice for Zim?
20. Who replaced Hamill for the pilot?
21. How Zim created the robot ‘GIR’?
22. What was the name of the convention organized by the fans of Invader Zim?
23. When the convention was launched?
24. Which episode was the darkest in the series?
25. What was the name of Irken food court planet?
26. When Zim was banished to Foodcourtia?
27. How long was the trip of Zim to the universe?
28. What was the name of Zim’s teacher in school?
29. Who was the enemy of the Irken Empire?
30. What was the goal of the group?
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MPhil in Economics with 6 experience in fieldwork. Also has experience in blogging, In blogging, I am a specialized writer in the following categories: sports, science, movies, space, and animal. Please feel free to contact me over my email.