PAW Patrol is an animated television series that originated in Canada. It used Computer-generated Imagery animation provided by Guru Studio. Keith Chapman created the series while Scott Kraft is the developer. The series has a total of seven seasons. It was first premiered in Canada in August 2013 and in the United States in the same month on TVOKids and Nickelodeon respectively.
The story of the series revolves around a young boy named ‘Ryder’ and a group of six dogs called the ‘PAW Patrol’. The mission of the PAW Patrol is to provide protection for the community of Adventure Bay. Learn more about the story and characters of the series in this PAW Patrol Trivia Quiz.
PAW Patrol Trivia Quiz
1. Which is the origin country of ‘PAW Patrol’?
2. What type of television series it is?
3. What does CGI stand for?
4. Who created the series?
5. Who is the developer of the series?
6. Which production company produced the show?
7. Who provided the animation for the series?
8. On which TV channel it was first broadcasted in Canada?
9. When the first premier of the show ran?
10. When the show first broadcasted in the United States?
11. Who is the main character of the series?
12. On which channel it was broadcasted in the United States?
13. What type of dogs he leads?
14. What does the crew of these dogs called?
15. What is the mission of the PAW Patrol?
16. How many dogs were there in the squad?
17. What are the names of each dog?
18. Who was the police dog?
19. Which dog loves water?
20. What was the characteristic of Rubble?
PAW Patrol Facts
21. What was the color of Rocky?
22. Which one was the fir dog?
23. In which form the doghouses transform into for mission?
24. What do their bag packs called?
25. What is the age of Ryder in the series?
26. How Ryder alerts the dogs?
27. Which dog always reaches late to the elevator?
28. Who is the leader of the PAW Patrol?
29. Who voiced Ryder in the first season of the series?
30. Who is the mayor of Adventure Bay?
31. What is the name of the film scheduled to release in August 2021?
32. How many seasons of the series are there?
33. What was the role of Mr. Porter in the series?
34. Who was the farmer at Adventure Bay?
35. How old was the princess of Barkingburg?
36. Chase belongs to which breed of dog?
37. Who voiced ‘Chase’ from season 2 to 4?
38. In which season Alex Thorne voiced for Zuma?
39. Who was the most frequent caller of PAW Patrol?
40. Who voiced ‘Cap’n Turbot’?
Read more 50+ Interesting Trivia Quizzes on Disney World for Kids.
MPhil in Economics with 6 experience in fieldwork. Also has experience in blogging, In blogging, I am a specialized writer in the following categories: sports, science, movies, space, and animal. Please feel free to contact me over my email.