Peppa Pig is a cartoon show broadcasted on television since 2004. It is a preschool animated series produced by the Astley Baker Davies company. The show revolves around a character named ‘Peppa’ and her friends and family. Peppa is an anthropomorphic pig who lives with her parents, brother and, friends while doing all the activities like humans. Her friends are from different animal species.
The show was broadcasted in almost 180 countries. It has six seasons of 316 total episodes and each episode has five minutes time duration. The series started on 31 May 2004 while the last season of the series ended on 7 October 2020. More information about the series is provided in this post, which has 35+ Peppa Pig Trivia questions. So, read and enjoy these Peppa Pig trivia questions and answers.
Peppa Pig Trivia
1. The cartoon ‘Peppa Pig’ is for which level kids?
2. Which production company produced the TV series?
3. Who is the main character of the series?
4. When the show was premiered?
5. How many seasons are released until 2019?
6. In how many countries the cartoon show broadcasted?
7. When the sixth season aired on television in the U.K?
8. When Hasbro acquired the Peppa Pig franchise?
9. Who created the series?
10. Who voiced Peppa in the series?
11. On which channels the cartoon series broadcasted in the U.K?
12. How long is each episode of the series?
13. Who is Peppa in the series?
14. Who is George in the show?
15. How many episodes were there in the first series?
Peppa Pig Quiz
16. When the sixth season of the show ended?
17. When the Christmas special episodes of the cartoon broadcasted?
18. How many Christmas special episodes were there?
19. What was the name of the first film produced, based on this TV series?
20. When the film was released?
21. What was the time duration of the film?
22. What the second film called?
23. When it was released?
24. When the film was shown in cinemas?
25. How many episodes were featured in the film?
26. What was the theme of four of the episodes?
27. Where the theme park ‘Peppa Pig World’ is located?
28. When the park opened?
29. When the series won the British Academy Children’s Award for the best pre-school animation?
30. Who won the best performer award at British Academy Children’s Award in 2011?
31. How many total episodes of the series are there?
32. What is the original language of the cartoon show?
33. When the video game of the series developed?
34. Who developed Peppa Pig: The Game?
If want to know about the movies for kids then read these 30+ Interesting Movies Trivia Quizzes for Kids.
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