Scooby-Doo is an animated cartoon series that originated from the United States. Joe Ruby and Ken Spears created the show in 1969 for the kids. The show originally broadcasted on CBS while it moved to the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in 1976. The first series of Scooby-Doo titled Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! With two seasons and twenty-five episodes. The main characters of the show include four teenagers and a dog called Scooby-Doo. Learn more about the series in this Scooby-Doo Quiz created for you.
Scooby-Doo Quiz
1. Who created the series ‘Scooby-Doo’’ cartoon series?
2. When the series was created?
3. What was the title of the first series of the show?
4. For which production company the series was made?
5. Who are the main characters featured in the show?
6. On which television channel the series originally broadcasted?
7. When it moved to the ABC television network?
8. What does ABC stand for?
9. What is the title of the current Scooby-Doo series?
10. When the series was premiered?
11. What kind of dog is Scooby-Doo?
12. From which song the name of Scooby-Doo derived?
13. In how many episodes of the series the Harlem Globetrotters appeared?
14. What is the title of the first episode of the show?
15. What does Velma lost in the first episode?
Scooby-Doo Trivia
16. Who dressed up as a witch and a zombie in the episode ‘Which Witch is Which’?
17. Which word is frequently used by Shaggy?
18. When the word was officially added to the Oxford dictionary?
19. Who voiced Scooby-Doo?
20. What was the title of the new episodes created in 1972?
21. What the teenagers and Scooby-Doo mainly do in the series?
22. Who is the leader of the gang?
23. Who is the intelligent analyst in the group?
24. What is the characteristic of Daphne?
25. How many seasons of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Were there?
26. What is the total number of episodes of the show?
27. Who voiced Freddy in the series?
29. When he was added to the cartoon series?
30. Who voiced Scrappy-Doo in the first version of Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo?
31. Who was the original voice of Velma until 1973?
32. When the publication of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You comic books started?
Read more here 30+ Most Interesting Animaniacs Trivia for Kids
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