Have you ever knew that the seahorse is a species of fish? Yes, they are actually fish and like other fishes, they have gills to breathe. However, they do not have scales. The most interesting fact, which I found while collecting these facts for you, is that the seahorses are the only creatures where the male gets pregnant and bears a young seahorse called a fry.
Moreover, do you want to know which body organ is not present in seahorse? In addition, how many phases of courtship among the male and female seahorses are there? To know the answer to these questions and to learn more facts read these Seahorse facts for kids.
Seahorse Facts for Kids
1. Seahorses are fish and they are named due to the shape of their head that looks like a horse.
2. There are around 54 seahorse species worldwide.
3. They have a swim bladder that is a tiny pocket inside their body. The seahorses adjust the volume of air in it to move up and down.
4. Like other fishes, they breathe through their gills.
5. They usually eat small crustaceans like Mysis Shrimp.
6. An adult seahorse eats around 30 to 50 times a day.
7. Seahorses use their back fin called dorsal fin to move forward in the water.
8. There are two species of seahorse around the British Coastline, the Spiny seahorse and the short-snouted seahorse.
9. They have excellent eyesight and they can see forward and backward at the same time.
10. Seahorses are the only creature where the male has a pregnancy.
11. The female seahorse transfers the egg into the male pouch where he self-fertilizes the eggs.
12. The quantity of eggs varies from 50 to 15000 depending on the size of the species.
13. The gestation period of the seahorses varies from 2 to 4 weeks.
14. Baby seahorses are known as fry. They live on their own after birth.
15. Seahorses can grasp things using their tail.
Seahorse Facts
16. They can change their color very quickly. Both the male and female seahorse changes their color during courtship.
17. They range in sizes from 1.5 to 35.5 cm.
18. Unlike other fishes, they do not have scales.
19. There are four phases of seahorse courtship. The first one takes place in the morning while the other three phases occur sequentially on the day of copulation.
20. Seahorses prefer to live and swim in pairs.
21. Seahorses have no stomach and they are lack teeth as well.
22. They are very poor swimmers.
23. They are required to eat constantly. Therefore, an adult seahorse can consume up to 3,000 shrimps a day.
24. They are the slowest of all fish species.
25. The lifespan of seahorses is around 1 to 4 years.
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MPhil in Economics with 6 experience in fieldwork. Also has experience in blogging, In blogging, I am a specialized writer in the following categories: sports, science, movies, space, and animal. Please feel free to contact me over my email.