Majority of people among us love to have pets. The most common pets are dogs and cats. However, some people also keep some special breeds of goats as pet animals such as the dwarf or the pygmy goats. Although they are farm animals their friendly nature makes them a good pet for people.
There are around 300 breeds of goats and 200 breeds of the domestic goats. The smallest one is the Nigerian dwarf goat, weighing around 9 kilogram. Moreover, you might get surprised knowing that goats do not have teeth on their upper jaw and they have rectangular-shaped eye pupils. There are much more interesting goat facts provided in this post. Hence, go through these Goat facts for kids and enjoy.
Goat Facts for Kids
1. A baby goat is called a ‘kid’ and a goat giving birth is known as ‘kidding’.
2. Goats are on the first animals to be domesticated.
3. The first animals brought to America include goats as well.
4. There are two types of goats including the domestic and mountain goats.
5. The mountain goats weigh up to 57 to 80 kilograms.
6. Goat’s popularity increased after the World’s goat fair in 1904 in St. Louis.
7. Goats don’t have teeth on their upper jaw.
8. There are around 200 breeds of domestic goats.
9. The smallest breed is the Nigerian dwarf goat, weighing around 9 kilogram.
10. Goats are very social animals therefore they became depressed when separated from their companions.
11. The eye pupils of goats are rectangular-shaped.
12. Therefore, they can see 320 to 340 degrees in its periphery.
13. However, a disadvantage of flattened pupils is that they have to move their head to look up or down.
14. The Anglo-Nubian goat weighs up to 113 kg.
15. Most interestingly, goats have four stomachs that helps the goats to digest the roughest foods they eat.
16. Goats are very intelligent and curious animals.
17. A group of goats is called a herd.
18. Goat’s milk and meat are the most consumed and popular all around the world.
19. Goat’s milk is easier to digest than cow’s and also it contains more calcium and vitamin A.
20. `Goats communicate with each other by bleating.
21. Abraham Lincoln also had two pet goats, Nanny and Nanko.
22. Goats have incredible agility and balance. Hence, they can survive in precarious rocky habitats and also they can climb trees.
23. Goats can be taught their names and also they come to you when called.
24. Goats are very choosy eaters also they have sensitive lips which they use to search for clean and tasty food.
25. Goats loves the sneeze sound of an alarm however, dislikes water.
You can also read the facts about Hammerhead sharks.
MPhil in Economics with 6 experience in fieldwork. Also has experience in blogging, In blogging, I am a specialized writer in the following categories: sports, science, movies, space, and animal. Please feel free to contact me over my email.