Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies and moths with very soft bodies. They have six small eyes called stemmata on each side of their head arranged in a semicircle. Moreover, They have a setae and antenna that helps them to identify the sense of touch. Caterpillar consumes around 27,000 times of their weight during their lifetime. Moreover, the first meal of a caterpillar is usually their own eggshell.
You have surely seen a caterpillar in your life. However, have you ever heard about these facts about the caterpillar? There are much more interesting facts about caterpillars we have collected for you which will definitely amaze you. Hence, read these amazing caterpillar facts for kids and see how remarkable creature they are.
Caterpillar Facts for Kids
1. Caterpillars have the ability to increase their body size by as much as 1,000 times or more.
2. Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies and moths. And, they have very soft bodies.
3. They have six small eyes called stemmata on each side of their head arranged in a semicircle.
4. In addition, they have more than six legs called pro legs.
5. There are approximately 180,000 types of caterpillar in the world.
6. Caterpillar consumes around 27,000 times of their weight during their lifetime.
7. Moreover, the first meal of a caterpillar is usually their own eggshell.
8. They also consume the outer layer of an egg called chorion.
9. Caterpillar produces silk using their modified salivary glands.
10. Their eyes can not detect images, however, can differentiate light and dark.
11. They have an external covering called exoskeleton.
12. The movement of a caterpillar is wavelike motion in back to front direction. Their blood pressure changes with the movement.
13. They have a setae and antenna that helps them to identify the sense of touch.
14. They usually eat leaves of various plants therefore can damage crops, fruit, and trees etc.
15. Their prolegs help them to cling and climb onto plants.
Caterpillar Facts
16. Caterpillars have as many as 4,000 muscles in its body.
17. From those 4,000 muscles 248 muscles are in the head only.
18. The growth of a caterpillar is very fast, they grow exponentially within a week.
19. Humans, mammals, ladybugs, ants, wasps, and other caterpillars are the main predators of a caterpillar.
20. There are many techniques of self-defense caterpillars do. One of them is called thanatosis also known as playing dead.
21. The lifespan of a caterpillar is two to four weeks.
22. The contact of humans with a caterpillar can cause various health problems such as skin rashes, infections, and other diseases to eyes and bones.
23. Caterpillars also use the toxin from their host plant for their self-advantage.
24. They also release a foul-smelling chemical to use for their own defense.
25. There are many species of caterpillar which as nocturnal.
Read also the Amazing facts about the Arctic wolf.

MPhil in Economics with 6 experience in fieldwork. Also has experience in blogging, In blogging, I am a specialized writer in the following categories: sports, science, movies, space, and animal. Please feel free to contact me over my email.