Praying Mantis is an invertebrate belonging to the Mentodea family. They are named praying mantis due to their body posture. They have two bent front legs, which shows a posture of praying. Praying Mantis has the ability to rotate their heads 180 degrees. There are very surprising facts about the praying mantis you will definitely want to know. Therefore, let’s start to read these Praying Mantis Facts for Kids.
Praying Mantis Facts for Kids
1. Praying Mantis got its name due to its body shape (bent front legs), which depicts a praying position.
2. They can rotate their head at 180 degrees.
3. The smallest praying mantis can be a size of 0.39 inches.
4. There are more than 2,400 species of praying mantis all around the world.
5. They are classified into 15 different families.
6. The average lifespan of a praying mantis is one year.
7. A praying mantis has a triangular head.
8. Some praying mantis also has wings and they are further classified based on the size and shape of the wings.
9. They are usually found in green or brown in color. However, there are white and purple color praying mantis as well.
10. The female praying mantis can lay hundreds of eggs at a time.
11. Chinese praying mantis is giant in size with an average size of 7cm.
12. The common predators of praying mantis at night are bat.
13. They have only one ear located inner side of the body.
14. They are very popular pets in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands.
15. Praying mantis have all five senses like humans.
Praying Mantis Facts
16. Their vision is exceptional as they can also see in 3D.
17. They have six eyes, two on both sides of the head and three in the middle.
18. The only male praying mantis can fly.
19. Praying mantis are carnivorous invertebrates.
20. Baby praying mantis are called nymphs.
21. People of ancient civilization believed this creature as supernatural.
22. A species of praying mantis is known as flower mantis that mimics flower.
23. The Chinese mantis is the most prevalent species.
24. Seven Star Praying mantis is a style of Kung Fu in Chinese martial arts.
25. In Germany, it is illegal to hold praying mantis in captivity.
26. There are three life stages of Praying Mantis including egg, nymph, and adult.
27. A tradition in South Africa considers them as a God due to their praying posture.
28. Praying Mantis use camouflage to hide from predators.
29. The female praying mantis often eats the male one and the siblings eat each other.
30. They also have two antennas used for navigation.
Read also these Jellyfish Facts for Kids.

MPhil in Economics with 6 experience in fieldwork. Also has experience in blogging, In blogging, I am a specialized writer in the following categories: sports, science, movies, space, and animal. Please feel free to contact me over my email.