Shimmer and Shine is an American animated series created by Farnaz Esnashaari-Charmatz. The series broadcasted on Nick Jr. in the United States while on Treehouse TV in Canada. There are total four seasons of the series with twenty episodes in the first three seasons and twenty-six in the last season. The show started in 2015 with the first season and ended in 2020 with the fourth season.
The main characters in the series include Shimmer and Shine, twin genie sisters, and Leah, a young girl. The story revolves around these characters where the genies grant the girl three wishes while she always makes unintentional mistakes and then they try to resolve those mistakes. Learn more about the series in this Shimmer and Shine Trivia Quiz.
Shimmer and Shine Quiz
1. Who created the American animated series ‘Shimmer and Shine’?
2. On which TV channel it airs in the United States?
3. On which TV channel it airs in Canada?
4. Who directed the first season of the series?
5. Who directed the second season of the series?
6. Who is the main character in the first season of the series?
7. Who are Shimmer and Shine in the show?
8. How many wishes the genies grant to Leah?
9. Who is Zac in the series?
10. What was Zahramay Falls in the second season?
11. In which season Leah reveals the existence of genies to Zac?
12. What was the name of the princess of the land?
13. Which animal was Samira’s pet?
14. What was the name of the peacock?
15. Which animal was Leah’s pet?
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16. What was the name of the fox?
17. How many total seasons are there in the series?
18. When the first season started to air?
19. How many episodes are there of the first three seasons?
20. When the fourth season of the series ended?
21. How many are the total episodes of the series?
22. Which season of the show has 26 episodes?
23. Who voiced Shimmer in the series in the U.S?
24. What is the color of the eyes and hair of Shimmer?
25. Which animal is Shimmer’s pet?
26. What is the color of the eyes and hair of Shine?
27. Which animal is Shine’s pet?
28. What is the name of her pet?
29. What is the name of Shimmer’s pet?
30. Who is an animal lover among the genies?
31. Who loves cleaning among the sisters?
32. Who voiced all animals in the series?
33. Who was Nazboo in the series?
34. When the second season of the show premiered in the United States?
35. Who voiced Shine in the series?
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