A sovereign country Australia that is officially known as the Commonwealth of Australia is the largest country in Oceania. Australia is surrounded by Indian and Pacific oceans. While it is separated from Asia by the two seas named Arafura and Timor. Australia is the smallest continent in the world and the sixth-largest country in the country by total area.
Canberra is the capital of Australia and the largest city is Sydney which is located on Australia’s East Coast. The national language of Australia is English and is being spoken in every city of the continent. Learn more about the country in these Trivia Quizzes Australia.
Trivia Quizzes Australia
1. What is the official name of Australia?
2. What is the capital of Australia?
3. Which is the largest city in Australia?
4. In which year Australia got independence?
5. What is the ranking of Australia according to the area?
6. What is the total population of Australia?
7. The other major metropolitan areas of the country are?
8. The second-most populous city in Australia is?
9. What is the national language of Australia?
10. What is the total area of Australia?
General Knowledge Quiz Australia 2020
11. Who is the Queen of Australia?
12. What percentage of Australians live on the coast?
13. Which city of Australia has the cleanest air in the world?
14. The largest eco-system in the world is?
15. How many wine regions Australia has?
16. Where are the majority of wine regions?
17. Which is the largest sand island in the world?
18. What percentage of the animals are unique to Australia?
19. Which university of Australia in the world is in the top 20 universities?
20. Which building in Australia was the first building to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004?
In this topic, we are trying to clear most of the doubts about the continent Australia. Australia is very famous for its good weather and also for the educational system which is well known all around the world. We will discuss more on this topic. If anyone wants to increase their knowledge about the continent then they should read these questions.
Funny Australian Trivia Questions And Answers
21. Which continent is the driest of any continent on earth other than Antarctica?
22. Which flightless bird of Australia can run at the speed of 45km/h?
23. How many world’s most poisonous snakes are found in Australia?
24. Which lizard of Australia is one of the longest-lived lizard in the world?
25. What was the life span of the lizard?
26. How many kind of species of kangaroo are present in Australia?
27. Which kind of kangaroo is the largest one?
28. The height and weight of the largest kangaroo ever seen was?
Family Trivia Quizzes Australia
29. Who is the Prime minister of Australia?
30. Which is the National animal of Australia?
31. In which year Kangaroo first appeared as a symbol of Australia?
32. The Australian Made Logo was designed by?
33. Which is the national sport of Australia?
34. Which is the favorite fruit of Australia?
35. Which type of cancer is at the highest rate in Australia?
36. Which months are the coldest in Australia?
If you want to read more about trivia questions then read the following easy history trivia questions for kids.
True Or False Australian Trivia Questions
37. One of the world’s most highly urbanized country is Australia.
38. Melbourne is the capital of Australia.
39. Australia is the richest country in the world?
40. Perth has best weather in Australia?
41. Australian fires can be seen from space?
42. Mount Kosciuszko is the lowest point of Australia.
43. Liawenee is the coldest city in Australia.
44. Sydney is the hottest city of Australia.
45. Brisbane is the coolest city in Australia.
Read more 100 True false questions for kids | Animals | Science | History
MPhil in Economics with 6 experience in fieldwork. Also has experience in blogging, In blogging, I am a specialized writer in the following categories: sports, science, movies, space, and animal. Please feel free to contact me over my email.