Trivia questions include much information about our many things. In this article, we are going to make some trivia quizzes for kids. The quiz includes many trivia questions and answers and gives lots of information about different topics related to our surroundings.
The kids and children of the century want easy access to get the knowledge that can be done by making trivia quiz. Anyone can access the trivia quizzes online easily. Not only the adults but also the children and kids can also get access to many websites of trivia questions. therefore, we provide you an opportunity to gain some knowledge through our trivia quizzes for kids.
Trivia Quizzes for Kids
1. Of what human body is made?
2. Which system moves blood, nutrients etc around the body?
3. Circulatory system consist of?
4. What is the work of the Digestive system in our body?
5. Which organs in our body produce digestive juices?
6. How many glands Endocrine system consists of?
7. What are the functions in which the Endocrine system helps our body?
8. Which system defend against bacteria and viruses etc?
Quiz Questions For Kids
9. What is the total number of dogs in the world?
10. Which type of dog is the most popular working and companion animal?
11. What are the tasks a dog can perform?
12. Which breed of dog is the most popular in the world?
13. What nickname dogs have earned due to their companionship?
14. What is the hearing capability of dogs than humans?
15. What is the average life span of a dog?
Quizzes For Kids 10-12
16. What is the plate of comb-like fiber in toothless whales called?
17. What is the function of Baleen?
18. How many species of whales are present in the world?
19. A baby whale is called?
20. What is the activity whale loves to do?
21. Which type of animal whale is?
22. How can we know the age of a whale?
Quizzes For Kids/Girls 8-10
23. Which animal is the most popular pet in the world?
24. How many domestic cats are there in the world?
25. For how many years cats and humans are associated with?
26. How many hours cat sleeps in a day?
27. What does a group of cats called?
28. A male cat is called?
29. A female cat is called?
30. How much does a domestic cat usually weigh?
Gorillas look dangerous but the fact is that they are close relatives of human beings. They are endangered because of hunting and from many diseases. Their DNA contains 98% the same DNA as humans. There are only 700 mountain gorillas left that live in the two protected parks in Africa.
Fun Quizzes For Kids/Boys
31. What %age of DNA of gorillas and humans are the same?
32. What type of species gorillas are?
33. How many gorillas are present?
34. Where do they live?
35. Where do the lowland gorillas live?
36. An adult male gorilla is called?
37. Who is the leader of a gorilla family?
Kids who are interested in sports can also read these 120+ best and basic sports trivia for kids | NBA, NFL, Tennis, Soccer.
General Knowledge Quiz For Kids Under 10
38. What is the life span of a gorilla?
39. Which animal can produce the loudest sound in the world?
40. Which animals sleep while standing up?
41. Which bird can fly backward?
42. Which animal has a skeleton instead of bones?
43. Which insects make noise by moving their wings?
44. Which animal lays the biggest egg in the world?
Quiz Games For Kids
45. How many stomachs sheep have?
46. In which country the Tasmanian Devil is present?
47. What is the life span of a housefly?
48. Which mosquito bites humans?
49. How far the noise of a whale can be detected?
50. The horn of rhinoceros is made up of?
Read more about science trivia questions here 145+ simple and easy science quiz for kids

MPhil in Economics with 6 experience in fieldwork. Also has experience in blogging, In blogging, I am a specialized writer in the following categories: sports, science, movies, space, and animal. Please feel free to contact me over my email.