Trivia is an article, which includes lots of information about our surroundings. The word is derived from the Roman word ‘triviae’, meaning tri (three) and viae (roads). The Roman peoples used to say this word for a road that splits into two or three different ways. It is a quiz that includes many questions and answers and gives lots of information.
The peoples of this century want an easy access to all the information, which can be fulfilled by making trivia questions and answers, which can be accessed online easily. Adults, children, and kids can access many websites of trivia quizzes online and can increase their knowledge through it.
Trivia Quizzes Online
1. Which type of organisms plants are?
2. Of which kingdom these organisms are?
3. What is the domain of the organism?
4. Which type of chlorophyll the chloroplasts of plants contain?
5. Which type of reproduction occurs in plants?
6. Which type of reproduction is in common in plants?
7. How many species of plants are there in the world?
8. How many of them are able to produce seeds?
9. What is the source of energy for green plants?
10. What is the process through which food is made in green plants?
11. What does the plant provide to us?
12. The scientific study of plants is known as?
Kids of Grade 1 to 5 can also read these trivia questions.
Online General Knowledge Quiz
13. What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)?
14. Which countries do UAE borders with?
15. UAE is located in?
16. What is the capital of Canada?
17. What is the total area of Canada?
18. How many provinces and territories Canada have?
19. What is the national sport(s) of Canada?
20. In which year these two were defined as the national sport of Canada?
21. What is the name of the smallest city based on area in the world?
22. What is the measured area of the city?
World War is the was which is held between the most of the principal nations of the world. Two World Wars are fought in the world so far in which most of the emerging countries were involved. World War I was fought in the year 1914-18 and World War II was fought in the year 1939-45. Try the online quiz and fun trivia quizzes online for more information.
Online Quiz
23. In which year World War I was fought?
24. Among which countries the war was fought?
25. Which countries were defeated in World War I?
26. In which year World War II was fought?
27. Among which countries the war was fought?
28. Which countries were defeated in World War II?
29. In which year the Indo-Pak war was fought?
30. What result came after the war?
More history trivia questions are available at 70+ history trivia questions and answers for kids
Fun Quiz Games Online
31. The cartoon series Ben 10 is created by?
32. Of which country the series is?
33. Who are the owners of the series?
34. In which year the series was aired for the first time?
35. What is the real name Ben 10?
36. What is the name of the alien device?
37. What does the device contain?
38. How many Emmy Awards did the series got?
Random Trivia Quiz Online
39. What is the capital of Belgium?
40. Which currency is used in Belgium?
41. What is/are the language(s) spoken in the country?
42. What is the capital of France?
43. Which type of religion(s) are there?
44. Which language is spoken in the country?
Online Quiz Games
45. What is the capital of Jordan?
46. What is the currency of the country?
47. In which year the word OMG was first used?
48. The majority part of the brain contains?
49. What is the percentage of fat in the brain?
50. In which year a successful match of Tinder was held in Antarctica?

MPhil in Economics with 6 experience in fieldwork. Also has experience in blogging, In blogging, I am a specialized writer in the following categories: sports, science, movies, space, and animal. Please feel free to contact me over my email.