Online quizzes are those which are very helpful and an easy way to access the internet in many aspects. It is the way in which we can get to know about many things which we are willing to. On this topic, we are going to know about United Kingdom (UK), its traditions, history, historic places, and much more things.
The United Kingdom is the combination of two states which are Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London is the capital and the largest city in the UK. We will discuss more about the UK in the following trivia quizzes the UK and will try to fulfill all your knowledge.
Trivia Quizzes UK
1. Where is the United Kingdom located?
2. Which name is used to refer to the United Kingdom as a whole?
3. What is the capital of the UK?
4. What is the national language of the UK?
5. Which religion is in highest %age in the UK?
6. What is the %age of Christianity in the UK?
7. Who is the head of the state?
8. Who is the Prime minister of the state?
9. What is the population of the UK?
10. What is the population rank of the state in the world?
11. In which year Ireland and Great Britain got united?
12. What is the total area of the state?
13. In which year the UK’s name was adopted?
14. Which currency is used in the UK?
15. What is the calling code of the UK?
16. What is the official name of the UK?
17. Which are the two legislative houses?
18. What is the form of government in the UK?
19. Through which act Ireland formally got united with Great Britain?
20. In which year The republic of Ireland got independence?
21. Which language is spoken in every corner of the world?
22. In which year the UK became a member of the European Union?
23. In which year the UK has been withdrawn from the EU?
24. The UK comprises of?
25. Which sea separates Great Britain from Ireland?
Read also Kindergarten trivia questions for kids.

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