Harry Potter is a series of novels written by J.K. Rowling. The first novel ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ was released on June 26, 1997. The story revolves around the central character ‘Harry Potter’ who discovered himself as a wizard at the age of eleven and joined the
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to succeed in the wizarding world.
More information about the movies can be attained through these 80+ Harry Potter Trivia For Kids, which are designed as simple and easy as possible for the kids. So, test your knowledge about the series with our questions, answers for which are also given.
Harry Potter Trivia For Kids
1. Who wrote the series of novels ‘Harry Potter’?
2. What was the name of the school of Harry Potter?
3. What was the name of the dark wizard in the movie?
4. What was the name of the first novel of the series?
5. When the first novel was released?
6. Which is the best-selling book series in history?
7. In how many languages the book was translated?
8. Which publisher publishes the series in the United States?
9. Which publisher publishes the series in the United Kingdom?
10. When the play ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ premiered in London?
11. At which place the play was premiered?
12. Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts?
13. What was the motto of Hogwarts?
14. What does the motto mean?
15. Harry belonged to which house of Hogwarts?
16. What role did Harry play in the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
17. What was the name of the three-headed dog in the series?
18. What the fluffy do?
19. Which curse controls the actions of another person?
20. Who killed Professor Dumbledore?
Expert-level Harry Potter Trivia For Kids
21. Which killing curse was used to kill Dumbledore?
22. What was the name of the fictional town where Harry Potter lives?
23. Who murdered Harry’s parents?
24. Who were Arthur and Molly Weasley?
25. How many witches started the Hogwarts school?
26. Who were the wizards among the founding members of the School?
27. Which role the actor ‘Matthew David Lewis’ played in the movie?
28. The fictional combination of horses and humans are called what?
29. Who is the founder of the organization ‘Order of Merlin’?
30. What was the main purpose of founding the organization?
31. When did Harry get the scar on his head?
32. Who is an Auror?
33. Who killed Professor Dumbledore?
34. Which mirror shows the heart’s desires?
35. Who tells Harry about the Mirror of Erised?
Harry Potter lives in the fictional town of Little Whinging, Surrey. His parents were killed by a dark wizard ‘Lord Voldemort’ who also tried to kill Harry but he survived. The Harry Potter book series was translated into eight different languages and gained immense popularity. Each novel is about the year of Harry’s life from 1991 to 1998.
Ultimate Harry Potter Trivia For Kids
36. Who is Ginny Weasley?
37. Which persons are known as a Squib?
38. Who is Harry Potter’s Godfather?
39. What was the name of Argus Filch’s pet cat?
40. What was Marauder’s map in the movie?
41. Which magic school is located in Uganda?
42. Who started the Slug Club?
43. Which train carries students of Hogwart school?
44. Who is known as the owner of Firebolt broomstick?
45. Mad-Eye was the nickname of which character?
46. Who was Hagrid’s half brother?
47. How Moaning Myrtle died?
Children’s Harry Potter Quiz Questions And Answers
48. What was the function of the spell ‘Obliviate’?
49. What does Dumbledore see in the Mirror of Erised?
50. What needs to say to make the Marauder’s map blank?
51. Who directed ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’?
52. What are the three kinds of balls used in Quidditch?
53. How many Weasley siblings are there in the movie?
54. Who played the role of Hermione Granger?
55. Who teaches the flying lessons?
56. Who has the nickname ‘Wormtail’?
57. What are the currencies used in the wizarding world?
The role of Harry Potter was played by Daniel Radcliffe. Albus Dumbledore is another main character in the movies. He is the headmaster of the Wizarding School of Hogwarts. Richard Harris played the character of Dumbledore in the first two series of the movie while after his death the role was played by Michael Gambon.
These Harry Potter House Quiz for Kids can help your kids to learn more about the story of the series. So let’s go through these questions.
Harry Potter House Quiz For Kids
58. How Hermione defeated the Devil’s Snare plant?
59. How many wizarding schools participated in the Triwizard tournament?
60. Which schools were those?
61. What was the profession of Hermione’s muggle parents?
62. What was Harry Potter’s first broomstick?
63. When did he receive it?
64. Who replaced Richard Harris’s character after his death?
100 trivia quiz questions for kids with answers
65. In how many seasons of the movie Harris worked?
66. What was the color of Hogwart Express?
67. At which time the Hogwart Express leaves?
Easy Harry Potter Trivia Printable
68. Who ends up sitting with Harry on the train?
69. Which pet was not allowed at the Hogwarts?
70. What was the name of Neville Longbottom’s toad?
71. What was the name of Harry’s owl?
72. Who bought Hedwig for him?
73. From where Harry picked the name for his owl?
74. Who mostly disapproved of Crookshanks?
75. What was the name of Ginny’s Pygmy Puff?
76. What was the type of Malfoy’s owl?
77. What was the type of Harry’s owl?
Harry Potter Quiz Questions And Answers Multiple Choice
78. Who played Lord Voldemort in the movie?
a) Gary Oldman c) Ralph Fiennes
b) Jeremy Irons d) Tom Hiddleston
79. Who was the guard to the common room of Gryffindor?
a) The Bloody Baron c) The Gray Lady
b) The Fat Friar d) The Fat Lady
80. Who among these is not the member of the Order of the Phoenix?
a) Professor Snape c) Remus Lupin
b) Nymphadora Tonks d) Mad-Eye Moody
81. Who played Rubeus Hagrid in the movies?
a) Robbie Coltrane c) Kieran Culkin
b) Tyler Hoechlin d) Rupert Grint
82. O.W.L is the abbreviation of what?
a) Outstanding Wonderful Luck c) Outstanding Wizard Learning
a) Official Wizarding Level d) Ordinary Wizarding Level

A passionate blogger and a software engineer having over 10 years of experience. Love to do programming in PHP and WordPress. My favorite hobby is blogging. My favorite topics are sports, entertainment, science, space, Christmas, Harry potter movies and animals.